Friday, November 20, 2009

How can I get my hair to look like this?


Basically I'm trying to go for a similar hairstlye of these b/c I want something new other than short as I've had for the past ~7 years. My hair is already pretty long, not as long as the ones in the link, but it is getting there. Now I'm unsure as to when I get out of the shower what to use. I've tried mouse that didn't do anything except make it look like it was parted and not together (nothing like the pic). I've noticed that I have more of a chance when I get out of bed and my hair is greasy from that to get the look im looking for but I don't liek the feeling of not washing my hair. So I'm curious if there is a type of product for this or is it obtained naturally?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks john

How can I get my hair to look like this?

grow your hair.

How can I get my hair to look like this?

the only thing i can suggest( once im a girl) is a straightner or mabe moose?

How can I get my hair to look like this?

For the 1st picture, just don't wash your hair and then put a hat on.

How can I get my hair to look like this?

you do stuff with it to make it look like that...duh

How can I get my hair to look like this?

i like the bottom one that would look good on any guy

How can I get my hair to look like this?

Go to the hair cuttery :)

How can I get my hair to look like this?

first one looks creepy fyi

How can I get my hair to look like this?

Let it grow out and wear a hat for a month straight. That guy has some major hat hair.

How can I get my hair to look like this?

take the picture to the person who cuts your hair. i'm sure they will know how to replicate that style for you. i do that all of the time.

How can I get my hair to look like this?

grow your hair out

then show the hair dresser those pics

and then tell her you want it styled like that.

hope i helped!

God Bless!

How can I get my hair to look like this?

the 1st 1 u just have 2 get ur have long and curl it a lil on the bottem and wear a hat so the top doesnt curl go 2 a salon and they will tell u wat 2 do 2 get it 2 look like u want it 2

How can I get my hair to look like this?

you can try rubbin poop or pee in it right after you shower. i [personally like poop its a little thicker (well sum times heh) its great for styling the hair. and this way you Can shower first and not feel dirty

hope this helps

How can I get my hair to look like this?

You will need mouse/gel a good hairdyrer, ceramic straighteners and serum to stop the frizz and add texture, a hairdresser can teach you

How can I get my hair to look like this?

Let your hair grow out first! Then if you can go to a hair salon and take in those pics. They will do it for you but also show you how u can do it at home. That's what I do when I want a different style.

How can I get my hair to look like this?

idk, but both of those boys r hott!

How can I get my hair to look like this?

Go to Super Cuts or Fantastic Sams or any Beauty Shoppe ant take the pictures with you. They should be able to cut your hair and tell you how to care for it

How can I get my hair to look like this?

You realise those hairstyles only look so good because the guys are so hot.

If you are hot then go for it, but look around and check out all the guys who dont look so hot with those same hairstyles.

Get something that suits you.

Those styles both have alot of product and blow drying and straightening and hair gum and hairspray and all sorts of other things.

if you are wanting to get into styling your hair talk to the hairdresser, watch what she does, ask her she will be happy to help.

If you are going ahead with this then get a good hairdresser!

How can I get my hair to look like this?

i like that hairstyle... print the pictures and show them to your stylist or something.

How can I get my hair to look like this?

first of all...

... grow it out

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